All-Volunteer, One Focus
In 2013, the Trinity River Authority and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department approved a plan to foster natural habitat around the 85,000-acre Lake Livingston, Texas’ second-largest lake. The plan, developed by the Texas Black Bass Unlimited and the Piney Wood Lakes Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists had a clear mission:
Reestablish Lake Livingston as a prime destination
for anglers and water enthusiasts by restoring
aquatic habitat.
Getting FoLL Started
With the plan, developed by TBBU and PWLCTMN approved, the project, originally named Lake Livingston Friends of Reservoirs, was formed to focus on five big goals:
Create natural habitat by planting non-invasive American Water-willow (Justicia Americana) on shorelines, islands, and shallow water flats.
Reduce shoreline erosion, improve water filtration and quality, and provide habitat for juvenile fish, reptiles, and birds.
Engage a multi-generational volunteer force to manage the project
Educate local high schools to grow, propagate, and plant to engage them in the economic and ecological impact of a healthy aquatic habitat.
Reestablish Lake Livingston as a premier destination for water enthusiasts that will help create tourism-related business opportunities within counties around the lake and beyond.
What FoLL Has Accomplished
Now four years into our program, under a new name, Friends of Lake Livingston has achieved much as an all-volunteer effort:
Refined planting procedures, locations, and management to ensure the development of thriving plant colonies.
Build a multi-generational, all-volunteer coalition of 250+ adults (retirees to young parents) and students.
Enlisted the help of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Ellis Unit, under the guidance of Lee Collage school of Horticulture to operate 3 additional grow tanks enabling the growth of 10,000 plants.
Operate 25 grow tanks, each with 600-700 plant capacity.
Engaging eight school districts with growing tanks for propagating/managing plants and as volunteers for lake planting.
Collaborate with state, county, and local organizations to support the project's success: San Jacinto County Master Gardeners, Texas Master Natural Naturalists Heartwood and Piney Wood Lakes, Texas Association of Bass Clubs (TABC), the Livingston Fishing Club (Hookers), Texan by Nature, Houston Wilderness Society.
Provide presentations to local schools, service organizations, and State Conference of Texas Master Naturalists.